Jake (Daniel McDonald) Solberg

I'm an experienced digital marketing professional located in the Twin Cities. With expertise in all facets of design work, front-end development, and holistic marketing strategy, my skill sets go beyond that of your average web designer. I’m uniquely qualified to help with all manner of digital marketing projects, from comprehensive campaign strategy, to individual development projects.

My passions revolve around design and development in their most fundamental definitions. Whether I'm crafting a new website, or developing a new concept, the skills required are the same – a knack for vision and the experience to create solutions that work.

Front End Development
Digital Marketing Strategy


A small sample of my work can be found below.


Reminder-Email.com website

Reminder-Email.com was a ground-up PHP development project I concieved as an easy way to send yourself reminder emails in the future. All database architecture, cron jobs, PHP functionality and design was created from the ground-up by yours truly.

Wheel Appeal

Wheel Appeal website

Wheel Appeal is a tumblr based blog that I set up as a gallery of unique automotive wheels. Users are able to submit their own contributions, share, and comment on individual posts. The blog is still a work in progress, and needs to garner a critical-mass.


Peterson Probst website

Peterson|Probst is a renowned Minneapolis-based Marketing Agency. They came to me to redesign their website, while incorporating a new custom Wordpress template. The site features a responsive design, with a focus on user experience.


I have experience in many different facets of digital marketing. I can help with projects ranging from graphic design, front end architecture, UI analysis, content management systems, digital marketing campaigns, general marketing consultation and much more.

Web Design
Front End Development
Digital Marketing Strategy
Campaign Management
Social Media Planning
Content Management Systems
Digital Marketing Consultation
Responsive CSS/Sass/Bootstrap Frameworl Development
Digital Content Creation


Have a business need? Drop me a line, and I'll be sure to get back to you.

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